I finally bashed the Webcomic Inkblot theme into something that is not so white and bland. It took far too long because I kept changing the site layout. I even drew a different overhead banner at first which got scrapped shortly after. Ah, all that wasted time, I’m too much of a perfectionist sometimes. X3
There’s still much more to be done, there needs to be a navigational menu and my comic links don’t have proper images yet. I decided against putting gigantic links on the top of the blog because it was ugly and intrusive, but one problem with making them smaller and sticking them in the sidebar is that readers will not notice them. Apparently someone could not find my comic links even though they were right there, at the top of the sidebar even! So the links is gonna have pretty brand new images which will hopefully attract your eye and make you want to click them.
Also, having that rotator in the corner that shows a snippet of the most recent page wouldn’t hurt either.
Once again, thanks to Chris "Squee"; Kuok for coming up with the awesome name for the blog. I likes it very much. Go check out his Deviantart page here
The next thing to work on in the list is new layouts for the comic pages, blargh. I hope it won’t take as long. >_>